1:00 pm
| Welcome
1:10-1:30 pm
| Perinatal Outcomes of Fetuses and Infants Diagnosed with Trisomy 13 and 18.
| Dan Swarr, MD
1:35-1:55 pm
| Pregnancy Management and Considerations
| Mallory Hoffman, MD
2:00-2:20 pm
| Update on postnatal cardiac therapies
| James Cnota, MD
2:25-2:45 pm
| Practical Issues in the surgical care of Patients with Trisomies
| Laura Galganski, MD & Jagroop (Rupi) Parikh, MD
2:50-3:10 pm
| Family centered prenatal counseling and support
Natalia Henner, MD
3:15-3:35 pm
| Future directions and research for Trisomy 13 and 18
| John Carey, MD
3:40 pm
| Closing Remarks
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